John, not being a big fan of hand washing.....I knew something was up this morning while getting everything ready for school, I hear him in his bathroom, running the sink water. I walked in and said "what are you doing?" to which he replies "Mommy, I hafta wash my hands betause I touch the grown up medicine". I was concerned at this point....what had he gotten into? I asked him to show me the "grown up medicine", in a half panic tone. He walked me into our bedroom and pointed to something on my was a black jelly bean that Chase had given him yesterday. He didn't like it and put it on the nightstand vs. in the trash!
I figure 2 good things came out of this:
1. I know he doesn't like black Jelly beans
2. He knows what grown up medicine is and I better make sure it is all high up and locked.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Batman Lives! Then takes a nap.....

So, with all that has been going on with Caroline, I have been ignoring the most hysterical member of our family. Although he totally knows how much of my (and our) time has been taken by Caroline, he still finds the time to make me smile. He decided he wanted a Batman movie yesterday, which is odd because I was under the impression he had no idea who Batman was. So, after a morning of good behavior (definitions of "good" behavior can vary greatly..) we went to the store for our Batman Movie. He has watched it over and over again ever since. I am not a big fan, with the fighting, etc, but they must have "updated" the versions since words like "shut up" have been added. I am sure that "shut up" was not a part of the original Batman movies. I just wonder how long "Batman" will last, as "The Incredibles" lasted about 12 days.......but at least we get our monies worth....he watches each movie thousands of times!!
Off to Sea World to see Shamu this week and relax at the Westin La Cantera...or so we think.....
Friday, March 14, 2008
A Missed Mavs Game
So, I decided to not go to the Mavs game, whom my boss graciously gave me 2 of our season tickets after months of groveling for. I had 2 tickets, a few rows back behind the Mavs bench, parking too.....But, with Caroline so sick and just not really feeling a whole lot better, I made the choice to sit it out. I told Chase to call a friend instead, but after a few phone calls and no luck, Chase decided to take John. I hear it is going well, but then, it is only 9pm. So, I took Caroline on a walk after John and Chase left. She slept in the stroller for about an hour, then woke up. Started vomiting immediately. It was mostly breastmilk and mucus (TMI, I know, but you need the whole picture). I knew then, when those little blue eyes, with dark circles under them, looked up at me, as to say "Mom, I am glad you are here to take care of me". Nothing else matters now...not even Dirk, nice seats at the AA, and the Mavs game.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Fever.....and ER Visit
Ok, so scratch the previous post that I am so glad I went out with my co-workers/friends. Well, ok, I am still glad I did, but I am paying for it now. Took Caroline back to the doctor this morning b/c she was still running a fever over 101....he said it was a virus and not to worry. Took her back home and when I went to check on her around 12pm in her crib, she was BURNING UP. I decided to actually take her temp vs just guessing it was too high and I pulled the thermometer away at 104. I was done. I called the pediatrician, in tears (ok, sobbing) and they told me to take her to the ER. So, 3 hours later, I find out she has a UTI, some kind of blood infection and a double ear infection. All this at 1pm....mind you, I went to our pediatrician at 8:15am that same day only to be told that it was a virus. I am not going to call ranting and raving to the doctor, but simply will make an appt. (consultation) with him telling him how he is no longer in the circle of trust. I understand mistakes....I make them hourly, but not with 10 month olds. I cannot describe the heart wrenching pain of watching your 10 month old little girl having a cathater put in her, blood drawn from her pale, little arm, and then a shot on top of all that. She will forget...I will not.
So, at 9pm, I had her in the tub, with cool water, to try and pull down her 103 fever. She is now sleeping in daddy's arms and I only hope she, and we, can get some sleep tonight...I don't know how much more I can take. Will update more later...
So, at 9pm, I had her in the tub, with cool water, to try and pull down her 103 fever. She is now sleeping in daddy's arms and I only hope she, and we, can get some sleep tonight...I don't know how much more I can take. Will update more later...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mamma's Night Out
So, Ghost Bar was fun. Really fun. But it probably wouldn't have been that fun for me if I were with people other than the great folks I work with (and my totally cool clients). And Danny throwing Amy and I into the air cheerleader style (he is a former UT Cheerleader) was just the icing on the cake. How often does a 32 year old married, mother of 2 get put up on the shoulder of a former Big 12 Cheerleader?? Plus, I had fun talking with Danny about Cheerleader U, a show that I think only he and I watch.
I had a private party at Ghost Bar at 5:30pm on Tuesday night and that was nice. I did walk NEAR (don't freak out Mom) the balcony that has the glass floor, over looking the street, 96 floors up (ok, maybe not that high), but my hands got sweaty when I peered over. Nope, can't do it.
House of Blues was great. Fun concert, great dinner and again, fun co-workers and clients. Then we headed back to Ghost Bar. This time it was not a private party. I am actually quite surprised they let us in, but I guess since was spending so much money at the hotel, they kinda had to.
Let me say that the "security" and "bouncers" at Ghost Bar are hysterical. And most of the people there are like Chris Chris, the super sales guy (thanks to The Ticket for creating that one. So funny).I am thinking of writing to SNL to see if they would do a skit of these guys and girls.
I was going to head back to my nice, comfy room after dinner at House of Blues and am so glad I didn't. Even though Caroline was at home with a fever and missing her mommy, daddy came to the rescue. He was great and I think he liked it that she HAD to rely on he was the man in charge!
So, great trip, nice that I didn't even have to go near the airport and was very informational...and fun. What else can you ask for?
So, on the home front, you know with the Woffords that there is never a dull moment. Let me sum it up (remember that I left Monday at 3pm to be at the hotel by 4pm and came back home at 2pm on Wednesday)
-Monday night, John gets ahold of my keyless entry alarm pad, pushes a bunch of buttons and the alarm goes off. Chase's mom was staying with the kids, as Chase had open house that night. She doesn't know the code. The alarm company calls. She doesn't know the code word. The police show up.
-Tuesday, I get a message on my cell phone from the daycare. Caroline has a fever of 102. OMG. Never fails
-John doesn't go to sleep until 11pm Tuesday night. Chase is up trying to get things ready for Wednesday and just couldn't deal with it (caroline sick, etc.). I don't blame him. But, John was up until 11pm. HE IS 3!!!! Behavior on Wednesday was LESS than pleasant, may I add.
Now I get to go to New York next week, but only for 1 night.....and something will always does. Stay tuned...
I had a private party at Ghost Bar at 5:30pm on Tuesday night and that was nice. I did walk NEAR (don't freak out Mom) the balcony that has the glass floor, over looking the street, 96 floors up (ok, maybe not that high), but my hands got sweaty when I peered over. Nope, can't do it.
House of Blues was great. Fun concert, great dinner and again, fun co-workers and clients. Then we headed back to Ghost Bar. This time it was not a private party. I am actually quite surprised they let us in, but I guess since was spending so much money at the hotel, they kinda had to.
Let me say that the "security" and "bouncers" at Ghost Bar are hysterical. And most of the people there are like Chris Chris, the super sales guy (thanks to The Ticket for creating that one. So funny).I am thinking of writing to SNL to see if they would do a skit of these guys and girls.
I was going to head back to my nice, comfy room after dinner at House of Blues and am so glad I didn't. Even though Caroline was at home with a fever and missing her mommy, daddy came to the rescue. He was great and I think he liked it that she HAD to rely on he was the man in charge!
So, great trip, nice that I didn't even have to go near the airport and was very informational...and fun. What else can you ask for?
So, on the home front, you know with the Woffords that there is never a dull moment. Let me sum it up (remember that I left Monday at 3pm to be at the hotel by 4pm and came back home at 2pm on Wednesday)
-Monday night, John gets ahold of my keyless entry alarm pad, pushes a bunch of buttons and the alarm goes off. Chase's mom was staying with the kids, as Chase had open house that night. She doesn't know the code. The alarm company calls. She doesn't know the code word. The police show up.
-Tuesday, I get a message on my cell phone from the daycare. Caroline has a fever of 102. OMG. Never fails
-John doesn't go to sleep until 11pm Tuesday night. Chase is up trying to get things ready for Wednesday and just couldn't deal with it (caroline sick, etc.). I don't blame him. But, John was up until 11pm. HE IS 3!!!! Behavior on Wednesday was LESS than pleasant, may I add.
Now I get to go to New York next week, but only for 1 night.....and something will always does. Stay tuned...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"Good Morning, Sweetheart"
This is what John said to Caroline when he woke up yesterday morning. It was like hearing my own own words repeated back to me. I say this to each of them in the morning.
On another note, I am not a very good blogger. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about, actually, it's quite the opposite. I have TOO much going on, as does everyone else, I am sure. Work, travel, 2 of them still on breastmilk, a home, a husband and that damn beagle Kramer take up all my time. Heck, it can seem hard to connect with my sisters*. It's not that I have to find time to call them, but for me to call them and we both can talk...uniterrupted, that's the key. If only John, Caroline, Esther and Ruthie could open their kiddie laptops, look at their daily calendar and say "Oh, mommy has a conference calll with Aunt Ellen at 1:00pm today and then she has another conference call with Aunt Susan at 4:00pm". I wish.
I have to go out of town...again. Actually, not out of town, but far enough that I am no help whatsoever to Chase. I am staying at the W in Dallas later this week. Which would be fab if I could do it and not feel guilty about it. I mean, clients are flying in for a summit. I love the networking aspect of this and connecting with my current clients. We are attending a Mavericks game (in a suite with a personal greeting with Mark Cuban) and then the next night, drinks at the Ghost Bar and dinner at House of Blues. I mean come on, GHOST BAR. They don't let people like me in! Tommy Lee and me hanging out, having drinks...whatever! I have spit up on my shirt half the time....I am not the Ghost Bar type! Too bad I can't curl up in that wonderful W bed, not feel the least bit guilty and watch 3 hours straight of Law and Order!!!
*Sisters = Best Friends.
On another note, I am not a very good blogger. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about, actually, it's quite the opposite. I have TOO much going on, as does everyone else, I am sure. Work, travel, 2 of them still on breastmilk, a home, a husband and that damn beagle Kramer take up all my time. Heck, it can seem hard to connect with my sisters*. It's not that I have to find time to call them, but for me to call them and we both can talk...uniterrupted, that's the key. If only John, Caroline, Esther and Ruthie could open their kiddie laptops, look at their daily calendar and say "Oh, mommy has a conference calll with Aunt Ellen at 1:00pm today and then she has another conference call with Aunt Susan at 4:00pm". I wish.
I have to go out of town...again. Actually, not out of town, but far enough that I am no help whatsoever to Chase. I am staying at the W in Dallas later this week. Which would be fab if I could do it and not feel guilty about it. I mean, clients are flying in for a summit. I love the networking aspect of this and connecting with my current clients. We are attending a Mavericks game (in a suite with a personal greeting with Mark Cuban) and then the next night, drinks at the Ghost Bar and dinner at House of Blues. I mean come on, GHOST BAR. They don't let people like me in! Tommy Lee and me hanging out, having drinks...whatever! I have spit up on my shirt half the time....I am not the Ghost Bar type! Too bad I can't curl up in that wonderful W bed, not feel the least bit guilty and watch 3 hours straight of Law and Order!!!
*Sisters = Best Friends.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thank God March 1st, 2008 is over
Did you ever have one of those days, that when you woke up the next morning, you thought to yourself "I am so glad yesterday is over". I had "that" day on Saturday, March 1st, 2008. Things were going fine throughout the day on Saturday. We had plans to meet Chase's mom at a restaurant in Southlake at 5pm. I knew John needed a nap and when he fell asleep at quiet time, I was happy. He woke up and said his ear hurt. We thought it was just red because that was the side he was sleeping on. Apparently not. Here are the cliff notes to why Saturday sucked for me (and Saturday night)
1. John had an ear infection, although we didn't know it until about 9pm when he was SCREAMING
2. John had a meltdown at the restaurant. Like any good mother, I took him to the bathroom so that we could get away from the crowd and he could calm down. He was hysterical by the time we got into the stall. To make matters worse, some crazy lady in the stall next to us was screaming.... AT ME! Telling me to let him go and to put him down, etc. It was so odd. I don't know who she is, as she was too cowardly to say something to my face, but you can rest assured I would have punched her right in the nose if she had. I was very calm with John, but when he has a tantrum and you hold him, he will say (scream) "stop holding me, you are hurting me!".
3. We got into the car after dinner and I burst into tears telling Chase about this woman yelling at me. Once I got my senses back about me, we figured she was either drunk or just crazy. But it was still upsetting! AND...I am sure she doesn't have kids and has never had to endure the emotional torture a mother goes through while waiting out a tantrum of this magnitude
4. John sobbed most of the night, while Chase held him and I ran back and forth to the microwave putting wash clothes in to warm them for his ears. The motrin finally took effect and he fell asleep! Thank Goodness!
5. Of course, we still have antoher child. Another nursing child. Another nursing child who wakes up twice during the night.
Thank goodness I only had to live through March 1st, 2008 ONCE!
1. John had an ear infection, although we didn't know it until about 9pm when he was SCREAMING
2. John had a meltdown at the restaurant. Like any good mother, I took him to the bathroom so that we could get away from the crowd and he could calm down. He was hysterical by the time we got into the stall. To make matters worse, some crazy lady in the stall next to us was screaming.... AT ME! Telling me to let him go and to put him down, etc. It was so odd. I don't know who she is, as she was too cowardly to say something to my face, but you can rest assured I would have punched her right in the nose if she had. I was very calm with John, but when he has a tantrum and you hold him, he will say (scream) "stop holding me, you are hurting me!".
3. We got into the car after dinner and I burst into tears telling Chase about this woman yelling at me. Once I got my senses back about me, we figured she was either drunk or just crazy. But it was still upsetting! AND...I am sure she doesn't have kids and has never had to endure the emotional torture a mother goes through while waiting out a tantrum of this magnitude
4. John sobbed most of the night, while Chase held him and I ran back and forth to the microwave putting wash clothes in to warm them for his ears. The motrin finally took effect and he fell asleep! Thank Goodness!
5. Of course, we still have antoher child. Another nursing child. Another nursing child who wakes up twice during the night.
Thank goodness I only had to live through March 1st, 2008 ONCE!
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