The title of this blog is a song that is on Nick Jr. in the mornings. It is a cute little song that some cartoons sing along to. They talk about "packing the suitcases and counting all the days'es". John loves it and when it comes on, we have to stop what we are doing and sing along. I love it because even if Chase is in the room, John is only wanting me to sing with him. It is our special thing.
So, we went on a trip. We drove to Austin on Friday and stayed at Barton Creek Resort. It was so nice. Great pool and the kids loved that. We took a scenic route, which is ironic since I don't think that anything in Texas is "scenic". However, I was proven wrong when we drove through a bunch of little towns vs driving on the highway. It was really nice, until it was lunch time and I am looking for a Chili's so I can get one of their great salads. Note to self "Little towns don't have Chili's". Subway would have to do instead.
We got to the hotel around 3pm, checked in to a beautiful room, went to the pool and swam for quite awhile. Nothing wears out a 4 year old like 2 hours at the pool. Poor John, we came back to the room, turned on a Little Einsteins show for him and he was out in about 10 minutes. It was 6:45pm and little girl was still awake, even though she was tired, too. I sat with her and held her, trying to get her to sleep, but I think she sensed that John was out and she had mom and dad to herself. She soon was running around the room, giggling and loving the attention she got from Chase and I....without having to share it with big brother! But, I was a mom on a mission. I knew she needed to get to sleep and mom wanted some time to sit in a comfortable bed and watch tv with dad. 8pm Mission Accomplished. Put her in the crib (it was really nice, too!) watched about 45 minutes of tv with Chase, then decided I would go to sleep myself. It was a wonderful night!
Off to Sea World Saturday morning. I think I had a small bout of insanity. It was going to be 104 degrees this day. If you don't know, Sea World is outside...and it is hot...and crowded. When we went to Sea World in March (it was a pleasant 84 degrees that day), we got so busy doing all the stuff they have there, we completely missed all the Shamu shows (I don't think I spelled his/her name right...no disrespect Shamu). That whole week John talked about everything we saw, then followed it up with "But I didn't see Shamu". We were gonna see this whale if it killed me. And it almost did. I loved seeing John watch Shamu and his pal do all the tricks. It was fun and that is one HUGE whale. Caroline even seemed to enjoy it. This show was at 11:30am. Cut to 1pm , after lunch (we sat in the airconditioning restaurant) and even John was ready to go. He knew we were going to another hotel with lots of pools and he wanted to swim. Love that kid. One swing through the shark tank and we were out of there. Not a minute too soon..for me anyway.
Off to the, well, used to be, Loveley Westin La Cantera. I am going to contribute a whole other blog to this experience. And no, it wasn't just Wofford Luck. Everyone had a story of SOMETHING going wrong. My wondeful hubby stepped up to the plate, though, when he talked to the manager. So proud. Long story short (or just a preview of my rant to come), this place is NOT A WESTIN. Those of us who are loyal Starwood followers, love the Westin hotel, BE AWARE. It is now owned by some random group and they are TRYING to sell it to the Gaylord Hotel chain. Summing it up - total chaos, lack of management, bad service....horrible hotel in general.
Back to our trip - John LOVES going to hotels. It is a real treat for him and I egg him on by making a big deal of it, too. I love to see his reaction to things. So, here are a few of the funny things little guy did/said on our trip:
-We got into our room at the Westin, John had to tee-tee, so he starts looking around for the bathroom. This room had a bathroom, then a sliding door where the toilet (and phone..yeah, fancy, that's how we roll) was. He didn't open the sliding door, and just comes running out of the bathroom yelling "mommy, this hotelo doesn't have a potty!"
-We got into our room at the Westin, John had to tee-tee, so he starts looking around for the bathroom. This room had a bathroom, then a sliding door where the toilet (and phone..yeah, fancy, that's how we roll) was. He didn't open the sliding door, and just comes running out of the bathroom yelling "mommy, this hotelo doesn't have a potty!"
-John and I were playing in the pool with a noodle and he said "mommy, can I have that noodle" (I was holding it). I said "no". He looks at me funny, then says "mommy, can I PLEASE have that noodle". I said "no" again. (I was teasing him). He then swims right up to me and says "mommy, why are you being so grouchy?".
i love the photo of them in bed together! sounds like a nice trip!
btw - dc604 is my new blogger name cause i'm kind of famous on the dc blogs so I had to protect my identity!!!! - susan
update your blog
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