Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Long Time
Monday, August 11, 2008
We're Going on a Trip
-We got into our room at the Westin, John had to tee-tee, so he starts looking around for the bathroom. This room had a bathroom, then a sliding door where the toilet (and phone..yeah, fancy, that's how we roll) was. He didn't open the sliding door, and just comes running out of the bathroom yelling "mommy, this hotelo doesn't have a potty!"
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama
It was nice to watch the kids play and catch up on everyone/everything. Erin is probably one of the easiest people in the world to talk to...not to mention a great friend!
I just love going back home to Birmingham. It doesn't change much, so you feel like you haven't been gone for as long as you actually have. Chase and I miss the little things about Alabama...like every license plate being for Auburn or Bama; the high school guys with their hair that resembles an Alabama frat guy, the barbeque, etc. Fall, of course, is the best time to visit and we will be doing that this year. Chase and I haven't been to an Alabama football game since before John was born. Time to go back....even if the entire season is sold out. I am optimistic we can find tickets somewhere!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
John and Caroline
Monday, July 7, 2008
Still Not Walking
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Day 5 - Time to Go
Day 4 - Tuesday
We did go to the beach where:
Day 3 - Monday
Day 2 - Sunday
Monday, June 23, 2008
So, I thought i would break up the vacation into days and cute pictures. We had such a great time!
Day 1 - Saturday
Unfortunately, i wasn't feeling well when we woke up at 5am and just thought I was tired. I had just gotten back from a business trip to Atlanta the night before and convinced myself I was just worn out. I was wrong. We got on the plane, all was fine, then I started to feel sick. Sparing you the details, I threw up the whole way over to California. And to make matters worse (for Chase), I felt extremely faint before i would vomit, so I couldn't make it to the bathroom AND was embarrased that I was puking, so I would grab the little white bag, lean into Chase and let go. Needless to say, Chase was less than thrilled with this process. The flight attendants kept asking me if I was ok, and I didn't want anyone to freak out that I WAS really sick, so I lied and said I thought I was pregnant. If I do turn up pregnant, it's karma for lying. You should have seen the look on Chase's face when I said that. I thought he was going to puke.
The flight lands, we go to the hotel and I go directly to bed. In the short 4 years as "Mommy" and CEO of this household, I have learned that if mommy doesn't rest when she is sick, mommy is sick a HECK of a lot longer than anyone else who happens to get the same illness. I shucked my guilt aside and slept most of the day. By that evening, i was good to go. We walked over to the hotel Del Saturday night for a light dinner and Chase & John went to play in the ocean. Us girls stuck to the land....just in case.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Playdough Juice
-Hotelo....this is what John calls a Hotel. He first said this 2 years ago while we were in San Diego and said "mommy, let's go back to the hotelo". It just stuck. It's really cute, too.
-White Steak....John LOVES steak. So, to get him to eat pork chops and fish, I call these "white" steak. He ate a bite of fish the other night and said "mommy, I love white steak. It is good for me"
-4 Minutes....This is what i say to him when we need to get ready to leave somewhere. I say "John, you have 4 minutes, then we have to go". Other moms often look at me like 'what? 4 minutes'....I guess most moms say 5 minutes. This started when John was little and I would say "it is time to get out of the tub now" and John would say "not yet mommy, 4 minute".
-Playdough Juice....this is a funny one. So, one day, John was playing with playdough and was curious as to what it tasted like, so he ate it. Of course, it doesn't taste good, and he quickly figured that out. He spit it out and then took a big swig of juice. Later that day, Chase gave him a cup of Juice, thinking it was the same cup John had that morning. It wasn't....and God only knows how old it was. John took a big drink and got this awful look on his face and said "Daddy, this is yucky. It is playdough Juice. I want new Juice!"
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Do You Smell Something?
-Take your finger out of your nose
-Put your wee-wee away
-We only pee-pee outside, at home, and in the backyard. NOT in the front yard
Now, this is my favorite one....and a new one, too:
-No, I do not smell something
And, of course, I do smell it. The entire DFW area smells it and it stinks. Here is how the conversation goes:
"Mommy, do you smell something?"
"No, I don't. Why?"
"Betause I just TOOTED!".....he is laughing hysterically at this point
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother's day
Friday, May 9, 2008
Day 5, Night 4
We have had our new fridge for a week now and I am still just as madly in love with it as I was on day 1! It is so nice and big! I have been thinking about it alot lately, though, and feel a twinge of guiltiness thinking that we have this big fridge just for 4 of us....I think of the families that don't have much and probably have an old fridge without an ice maker and probably have 5 or 6 kids. They probably would love to have my fridge, but can't do it financially. Then I realize that every thing Chase and I have, we are grateful for. I know that I can have nice things and not feel guilty(or try not to) because I am grateful and acknowledge that. Also, even if we didn't have those things, I would still be happy and grateful. Chase and I work very hard for ourselves and our family. Chase likes to say that we work so we can take nice family vacations. The vacations is what makes a permanent memory...that is what lasts forever. Also, I think about other people I know, people that take money as just a given. That it will always be there, that the nice things will always be there. They aren't grateful...(I think, anyway) that they feel they deserve it b/c they work so hard, or whatever. I don't feel I deserve anything. I feel like I am given things (right place, right time theory), both by my hard work and the kindness of God. I feel sorry for people that get caught up in the things without being grateful. I knew one person at one point in my life that had so much STUFF that this person never truly appreciated anything (I think, anyway). Everything was just there for the taking. and always would be. And I realized at one point, that I NEVER wanted to be like that. I am truly grateful that God put that person in my life so that I could learn that lesson. I know that was the whole point of that person being in my life at that time....now I realize that. Everything happens for a reason, and hopefully, you learn and grow from it. Even if tomorrow, we didn't have any things, I would still be happy that I have my family, my heart, and my life. I would be sad that I don't have my nice, big fridge....or my minivan, but I would still be grateful....
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
-We got a new refrigerator. He was so excited because I told him that he could open the freezer door himself (our old one was not a side by side) and get his waffles. He likes to eat frozen waffles. Gross, I know, but he likes it. So when my mother in law came to babysitt Friday night, John said to her "Yook, dida, I got a new rigerator. See, (pulling it open) there is my juice, and my butter, and my fruit, and my bej-a-tabuls..." He went on and on naming all the food in the fridge!
-Yesterday, I was in my bathroom and about to pee-pee (TMI, I know, but it's part of the story) and John saw me and said "Mommy, don't tee tee on the floor". He told me this b/c that is what we tell him ALL the time!
-I was just getting out of the shower this morning, both kids were still asleep in their rooms and I had the monitor in the bathroom with me. I was toweling off and I hear Caroline crying. Then I hear this, through the monitor:
"Dood Morning Taroline, why are you crying?"
"Do you want your mommy? Yes, you want your mommy"
"Here, Taroline, here is your nu-nu. There. That's better"
It was so damn cute! I went into her room & John said "Yook, mommy! I gave sissy her nu-nu!"
Bedtime is going much better, too. Last night was the first night I laid with him, but then got up and left the room. He asked me where I was going and I said that mommy had to clean up the kitchen. I told him that daddy was on the computer, paying bills, that Caroline was in her bed, Kramer was outside and what I was going to do. It seemed to help, but then about 10 min. later, he came out of his room. I asked him if he wanted to see what daddy was doing. So I walked him over to the computer, then took him to Caroline's room, then showed him that I was almost finished in the kitchen. I put him back in his bed and told him not to get out and that I would leave the door open so that he could see me in the kitchen. I was finished and had to watch the rest of Medium standing near the sink pretending to do something, but it worked. I really think he just wants to be out there, with us, and that if I tell him what we are doing and act like it is no big deal, he will fall asleep on his own. That is the plan, anyway.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Caroline Speak
John is doing great, getting himself dressed for school every morning. Who cares if his underwear is on backwards majority of the time? He does it himself and that is one less thing I have to do. Now if I can just get Caroline to dress herself, feed herself and get all her school stuff together in her bag by herself............
Work is crazy. It is always so busy, I just feel like I am treading water. I know my colleagues would say the same thing. I also realize I need to quit making myself so available 24/7. Reading emails at 9:30pm. I don't need to do that. And usually there is an email in there that just ticks me off, so I go to bed with that or try to deal with it late at night. Arg! I just want my agencies to have everything they need, when they need it and it the right form/fashion. And I need to realize that is just not going to happen 100% of the time. Or get some really strong sedatives to take everday so I don't care when things go to hell :)
Monday, April 28, 2008
There was an Incident
1. As I am talking with the HD lady about the features, prices, DISCOUNTS (anyone who knows me knows I NEVER pay full price and can negotiate like nobody's business), John is taking his beloved mimi and putting her in EVERY washer and dryer that is lining the row opposite of the refrigerators. And pushing all the knobs. And opening and closing the doors a thousand times. Where is Chase you ask, while I have BOTH kids? Talking to the lawn guy about our pitiful yard (I don't think it's that bad, but Chase just looks at it in disgust). Then John moves on to putting mimi in the ovens. So much fun.
2. We move out of the refrigerator section, much to the delight of EVERYONE in there, and go outside to lawn and garden. I am on the hunt for a new pump for our fountain that we have on our patio. I find one, but while I am trying to figure out which one we need, John pushes a door open and an alarm starts going off. He about cries and we high tail it out of there. Forget the pump, I can get that another day. As we casually walk back inside the store, there are guys walking very quickly, talking on radios, towards the area we were in. I am sure they thought someone got out of the store with a 20,000.00 riding lawn mower, when really it was my curious 4 year old just touching things. What a 4 year old does best. So, I finally find Chase and tell him we need to go. He asks why. I say, with smile on my face "we'll talk about it later, we just need to check out and leave".
I hope they let me back into the store. I really need to get that new pump for the fountain. I am sure my face is plastered in the employee break room, since I am SURE they reviewed tape of what made the alarm go off, AFTER we left. Oh well, I can explain it.....if I have to.
Monday, April 21, 2008
So, the Wofford house is moving right along. Chase got home from California last night and survived 4 days with high school kids. I survived 4 days with 2 kids under the age of 4 thanks to the help of my mother. I swear, I would have not survived if I had to be a mother anytime before the late 80s - I think this is when women having careers became socially accpetable. How did moms of more than 2 kids do it while their husbands worked, or gasp! traveled! I would have lost my mind. As my new boss, Blair, says "Hell to the no". Love that saying, btw.
Caroline walked all the way around the coffee table this weekend - 3 times. I think this means she will be ready to toddle very soon. She is still very much a momma's girl and doesn't warm to people very well. You got to work for a smile from her.
John continues to sing, dance and just generally make us laugh. We got him a basketball goal for his birthday and that has become a favorite family pastime. Each night, after dinner, we go outside and Caroline and I sit and watch Chase & John play. They have such a good time. The neighbors come over too, sometimes. James, our neighbor across the street (basically, the best neighbors ever) is a former NFL player and loves to quiz Chase about random players. Little does James know my husband is a sick man and knows way too much. I really think you could put him in a contest and let people ask questions and he would know all the answers. Maybe I should take him down to the circus and charge a quarter....college fund?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ready to Walk?
On another note, John went to the grocery store with me today. I have not attempted this in a LONG time because it usually ends in disaster. But, with his new (and very strict) bedtime routine, his behavior has improved so much. Not that he was horrible, but he is a typical 3 year old! We talked about "good" behavior on the way to the store and that if he was a good boy, he could get a small special prize.
Side note - we have to be specific and say SMALL special prize b/c of the time Chase took him to the store, with a promise of a special prize for good behavior, and John ended up coming out of the store with a stuffed Duck animal that was bigger than him. Hence the term "Small Special Prize"
John did really well. He stayed in the "buggy" as he calls it in true southern form. It helps that Kroger has race cars attached to the buggy and we got that one. I take out small children and end caps of merchandise each time I try to turn this huge thing, but he sits in it and that's what matters.
So, an hour later we emerge with groceries for the week (although I am sure I forgot something)and some Nemo treats. The coveted Special Prize. He was very kind and asked if I would like one. They truly are disgusting, but he loves them.
Caroline will turn 1 this week. My how time flies. I truly feel I have gotten to experience being the best mom I can be with her. I missed out on so much with John during that first year. I guess, in some sort of way, I knew I had to get it right with Caroline. I don't want to throw out my shoulder patting myself on the back, but I think I did a pretty darn good job this first year. And, I learned how to keep my favorite little guy feeling special even though this new little creature came to our house to stay.
I asked John the other day if he remembered when it was just mommy, daddy and John...just the 3 of us. He looked at me, thought about it for a second, then said "No". What a sweet boy.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The 2nd Coming of Richard Pryor
Thursday, April 3, 2008
House of Sick
So, if this isn't enough, putting out fires at work ALL day long is just the icing on the cake. Although, I am trying not to be whiny and complaining to Chase at the end of the day. I figure if I can vent on this blog, or to my girlfriends and sisters, maybe Chase won't have to take the brunt of it.....just maybe...
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Mommy, I hafta wash my hands
I figure 2 good things came out of this:
1. I know he doesn't like black Jelly beans
2. He knows what grown up medicine is and I better make sure it is all high up and locked.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Batman Lives! Then takes a nap.....
Friday, March 14, 2008
A Missed Mavs Game
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The Fever.....and ER Visit
So, at 9pm, I had her in the tub, with cool water, to try and pull down her 103 fever. She is now sleeping in daddy's arms and I only hope she, and we, can get some sleep tonight...I don't know how much more I can take. Will update more later...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mamma's Night Out
I digress.......SP.com had a private party at Ghost Bar at 5:30pm on Tuesday night and that was nice. I did walk NEAR (don't freak out Mom) the balcony that has the glass floor, over looking the street, 96 floors up (ok, maybe not that high), but my hands got sweaty when I peered over. Nope, can't do it.
House of Blues was great. Fun concert, great dinner and again, fun co-workers and clients. Then we headed back to Ghost Bar. This time it was not a private SP.com party. I am actually quite surprised they let us in, but I guess since SP.com was spending so much money at the hotel, they kinda had to.
Let me say that the "security" and "bouncers" at Ghost Bar are hysterical. And most of the people there are like Chris Chris, the super sales guy (thanks to The Ticket for creating that one. So funny).I am thinking of writing to SNL to see if they would do a skit of these guys and girls.
I was going to head back to my nice, comfy room after dinner at House of Blues and am so glad I didn't. Even though Caroline was at home with a fever and missing her mommy, daddy came to the rescue. He was great and I think he liked it that she HAD to rely on him....as he was the man in charge!
So, great trip, nice that I didn't even have to go near the airport and was very informational...and fun. What else can you ask for?
So, on the home front, you know with the Woffords that there is never a dull moment. Let me sum it up (remember that I left Monday at 3pm to be at the hotel by 4pm and came back home at 2pm on Wednesday)
-Monday night, John gets ahold of my keyless entry alarm pad, pushes a bunch of buttons and the alarm goes off. Chase's mom was staying with the kids, as Chase had open house that night. She doesn't know the code. The alarm company calls. She doesn't know the code word. The police show up.
-Tuesday, I get a message on my cell phone from the daycare. Caroline has a fever of 102. OMG. Never fails
-John doesn't go to sleep until 11pm Tuesday night. Chase is up trying to get things ready for Wednesday and just couldn't deal with it (caroline sick, etc.). I don't blame him. But, John was up until 11pm. HE IS 3!!!! Behavior on Wednesday was LESS than pleasant, may I add.
Now I get to go to New York next week, but only for 1 night.....and something will happen...it always does. Stay tuned...
Saturday, March 8, 2008
"Good Morning, Sweetheart"
On another note, I am not a very good blogger. It's not that I don't have anything to blog about, actually, it's quite the opposite. I have TOO much going on, as does everyone else, I am sure. Work, travel, 2 kids...one of them still on breastmilk, a home, a husband and that damn beagle Kramer take up all my time. Heck, it can seem hard to connect with my sisters*. It's not that I have to find time to call them, but for me to call them and we both can talk...uniterrupted, that's the key. If only John, Caroline, Esther and Ruthie could open their kiddie laptops, look at their daily calendar and say "Oh, mommy has a conference calll with Aunt Ellen at 1:00pm today and then she has another conference call with Aunt Susan at 4:00pm". I wish.
I have to go out of town...again. Actually, not out of town, but far enough that I am no help whatsoever to Chase. I am staying at the W in Dallas later this week. Which would be fab if I could do it and not feel guilty about it. I mean, clients are flying in for a summit. I love the networking aspect of this and connecting with my current clients. We are attending a Mavericks game (in a suite with a personal greeting with Mark Cuban) and then the next night, drinks at the Ghost Bar and dinner at House of Blues. I mean come on, GHOST BAR. They don't let people like me in! Tommy Lee and me hanging out, having drinks...whatever! I have spit up on my shirt half the time....I am not the Ghost Bar type! Too bad I can't curl up in that wonderful W bed, not feel the least bit guilty and watch 3 hours straight of Law and Order!!!
*Sisters = Best Friends.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thank God March 1st, 2008 is over
1. John had an ear infection, although we didn't know it until about 9pm when he was SCREAMING
2. John had a meltdown at the restaurant. Like any good mother, I took him to the bathroom so that we could get away from the crowd and he could calm down. He was hysterical by the time we got into the stall. To make matters worse, some crazy lady in the stall next to us was screaming.... AT ME! Telling me to let him go and to put him down, etc. It was so odd. I don't know who she is, as she was too cowardly to say something to my face, but you can rest assured I would have punched her right in the nose if she had. I was very calm with John, but when he has a tantrum and you hold him, he will say (scream) "stop holding me, you are hurting me!".
3. We got into the car after dinner and I burst into tears telling Chase about this woman yelling at me. Once I got my senses back about me, we figured she was either drunk or just crazy. But it was still upsetting! AND...I am sure she doesn't have kids and has never had to endure the emotional torture a mother goes through while waiting out a tantrum of this magnitude
4. John sobbed most of the night, while Chase held him and I ran back and forth to the microwave putting wash clothes in to warm them for his ears. The motrin finally took effect and he fell asleep! Thank Goodness!
5. Of course, we still have antoher child. Another nursing child. Another nursing child who wakes up twice during the night.
Thank goodness I only had to live through March 1st, 2008 ONCE!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Up the Nose
John stuffed a cheerio up his nose last night. I was on the couch, finishing up some work since I was traveling back from Boca yesterday, when I heard lots of sneezing and other weird noises coming from our bedroom, where John was. I got off the couch and walked into the bedroom. I said "John, are you okay". Not really expecting anything to be wrong. He points to his nose and says "I put a Cheer-o up dere" (it is funnier if I write like he talks). I panicked, playing the movie in my head of us going to the ER, and the doctor sticking a horrible looking stick up his nose to pull it out. But, after a few good, hard blows into toilet paper, it came out. It was one of the fruity cheerios, so it was red, but not bloody. I was laughing, but then had to pull myself together so that we could sit down and talk about how serious this was. John understood and could see that I was crying. I will often make myself get some tears, when explaining a serious situation to him. It tends to make him pay a little more attention. After our talk I said "John, do we put things in our nose?" To which he replies "No, mommy, we don't put stuff in our noses, like Cheer-o's, or m&m's, or whistles tause that will hurt us and make our mommy cry". Point Taken.