Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Playdough Juice

After being a mom for 4 years to my wonderful kids, I find that we have something I like to refer to as "family" language. My husband's mother and her family have a language all their own, and Chase & I have incorporated some of this language into ours (can't give details b/c it is like speaking in code and if you ever hear me say some of the words, you will know what I am talking about and that ruins the fun!). But, after 4 years, we have developed some "family" words that are only understood by the 4 of us (Caroline, not so much...yet). Here are some examples:
-Hotelo....this is what John calls a Hotel. He first said this 2 years ago while we were in San Diego and said "mommy, let's go back to the hotelo". It just stuck. It's really cute, too.
-White Steak....John LOVES steak. So, to get him to eat pork chops and fish, I call these "white" steak. He ate a bite of fish the other night and said "mommy, I love white steak. It is good for me"
-4 Minutes....This is what i say to him when we need to get ready to leave somewhere. I say "John, you have 4 minutes, then we have to go". Other moms often look at me like 'what? 4 minutes'....I guess most moms say 5 minutes. This started when John was little and I would say "it is time to get out of the tub now" and John would say "not yet mommy, 4 minute".
-Playdough Juice....this is a funny one. So, one day, John was playing with playdough and was curious as to what it tasted like, so he ate it. Of course, it doesn't taste good, and he quickly figured that out. He spit it out and then took a big swig of juice. Later that day, Chase gave him a cup of Juice, thinking it was the same cup John had that morning. It wasn't....and God only knows how old it was. John took a big drink and got this awful look on his face and said "Daddy, this is yucky. It is playdough Juice. I want new Juice!"

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