Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Fever.....and ER Visit

Ok, so scratch the previous post that I am so glad I went out with my co-workers/friends. Well, ok, I am still glad I did, but I am paying for it now. Took Caroline back to the doctor this morning b/c she was still running a fever over 101....he said it was a virus and not to worry. Took her back home and when I went to check on her around 12pm in her crib, she was BURNING UP. I decided to actually take her temp vs just guessing it was too high and I pulled the thermometer away at 104. I was done. I called the pediatrician, in tears (ok, sobbing) and they told me to take her to the ER. So, 3 hours later, I find out she has a UTI, some kind of blood infection and a double ear infection. All this at 1pm....mind you, I went to our pediatrician at 8:15am that same day only to be told that it was a virus. I am not going to call ranting and raving to the doctor, but simply will make an appt. (consultation) with him telling him how he is no longer in the circle of trust. I understand mistakes....I make them hourly, but not with 10 month olds. I cannot describe the heart wrenching pain of watching your 10 month old little girl having a cathater put in her, blood drawn from her pale, little arm, and then a shot on top of all that. She will forget...I will not.
So, at 9pm, I had her in the tub, with cool water, to try and pull down her 103 fever. She is now sleeping in daddy's arms and I only hope she, and we, can get some sleep tonight...I don't know how much more I can take. Will update more later...

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