Friday, March 14, 2008

A Missed Mavs Game

So, I decided to not go to the Mavs game, whom my boss graciously gave me 2 of our season tickets after months of groveling for. I had 2 tickets, a few rows back behind the Mavs bench, parking too.....But, with Caroline so sick and just not really feeling a whole lot better, I made the choice to sit it out. I told Chase to call a friend instead, but after a few phone calls and no luck, Chase decided to take John. I hear it is going well, but then, it is only 9pm. So, I took Caroline on a walk after John and Chase left. She slept in the stroller for about an hour, then woke up. Started vomiting immediately. It was mostly breastmilk and mucus (TMI, I know, but you need the whole picture). I knew then, when those little blue eyes, with dark circles under them, looked up at me, as to say "Mom, I am glad you are here to take care of me". Nothing else matters now...not even Dirk, nice seats at the AA, and the Mavs game.

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