Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mamma's Night Out

So, Ghost Bar was fun. Really fun. But it probably wouldn't have been that fun for me if I were with people other than the great folks I work with (and my totally cool clients). And Danny throwing Amy and I into the air cheerleader style (he is a former UT Cheerleader) was just the icing on the cake. How often does a 32 year old married, mother of 2 get put up on the shoulder of a former Big 12 Cheerleader?? Plus, I had fun talking with Danny about Cheerleader U, a show that I think only he and I watch.
I had a private party at Ghost Bar at 5:30pm on Tuesday night and that was nice. I did walk NEAR (don't freak out Mom) the balcony that has the glass floor, over looking the street, 96 floors up (ok, maybe not that high), but my hands got sweaty when I peered over. Nope, can't do it.
House of Blues was great. Fun concert, great dinner and again, fun co-workers and clients. Then we headed back to Ghost Bar. This time it was not a private party. I am actually quite surprised they let us in, but I guess since was spending so much money at the hotel, they kinda had to.
Let me say that the "security" and "bouncers" at Ghost Bar are hysterical. And most of the people there are like Chris Chris, the super sales guy (thanks to The Ticket for creating that one. So funny).I am thinking of writing to SNL to see if they would do a skit of these guys and girls.
I was going to head back to my nice, comfy room after dinner at House of Blues and am so glad I didn't. Even though Caroline was at home with a fever and missing her mommy, daddy came to the rescue. He was great and I think he liked it that she HAD to rely on he was the man in charge!
So, great trip, nice that I didn't even have to go near the airport and was very informational...and fun. What else can you ask for?
So, on the home front, you know with the Woffords that there is never a dull moment. Let me sum it up (remember that I left Monday at 3pm to be at the hotel by 4pm and came back home at 2pm on Wednesday)
-Monday night, John gets ahold of my keyless entry alarm pad, pushes a bunch of buttons and the alarm goes off. Chase's mom was staying with the kids, as Chase had open house that night. She doesn't know the code. The alarm company calls. She doesn't know the code word. The police show up.
-Tuesday, I get a message on my cell phone from the daycare. Caroline has a fever of 102. OMG. Never fails
-John doesn't go to sleep until 11pm Tuesday night. Chase is up trying to get things ready for Wednesday and just couldn't deal with it (caroline sick, etc.). I don't blame him. But, John was up until 11pm. HE IS 3!!!! Behavior on Wednesday was LESS than pleasant, may I add.

Now I get to go to New York next week, but only for 1 night.....and something will always does. Stay tuned...

1 comment:

dc604 said...

That's how I feel about taking a day off from work. You can schedule it ahead of time, but you really pay for it that week!!!